

20220726 上架正版的美狐美颜sdk开源版本


Vue2 Vue3
App 快应用 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 字节小程序 QQ小程序
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钉钉小程序 快手小程序 飞书小程序 京东小程序
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H5-Safari Android Browser 微信浏览器(Android) QQ浏览器(Android) Chrome IE Edge Firefox PC-Safari
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Meihu beauty open source version (if it is useful to you, please give a star!)


接入说明 Access instructions

下载项目后 用Xcode打开 真机运行即可展示效果 After downloading the project, open it with Xcode and run it on the real machine to show the effect

项目介绍 Project Introduction

美狐美颜sdk,是以人脸识别技术为核心,提供专业级实时美颜、大眼瘦脸、美颜滤镜、动态贴纸等滤镜的移动端sdk,以打造多功能视频美颜软件为目标,充分满足客户在直播美颜、短视频美颜等众多音视频软件业务场景的美化需求。现推出开源版本iOS版,Android开源版本正在研发中敬请期待! Meihu beauty sdk is a mobile sdk with face recognition technology as the core, providing professional-grade real-time beauty, big eyes and face reduction, beauty filters, dynamic stickers and other filters, to create a multi-functional video beauty software The goal is to fully meet the beautification needs of customers in many audio and video software business scenarios such as live beauty and short video beauty. The open source version is now available for iOS, and the Android open source version is under development, so stay tuned!




Instructions for using the open source version

  • 允许用于个人学习、教学案例
  • Allowed for personal study, teaching case
  • 开源版不适合商用,商用请购买商业版
  • The open source version is not suitable for commercial use, please purchase the commercial version for commercial use
  • 禁止将本项目的代码和资源进行任何形式的出售,产生的一切任何后果责任由侵权者自负
  • It is prohibited to sell the code and resources of this project in any form, and the infringer shall be responsible for all consequences arising therefrom

商业合作 Business cooperation

  • 美狐sdk非开源版拥有更加完善的功能、性能更高、更稳定,支持目前主流的云服务平台
  • The non-open source version of Meihu SDK has more complete functions, higher performance and more stability, and supports the current mainstream cloud service platforms
  • 如果您想使用功能更完善的美颜sdk,请联系QQ客服:2770722087,获取其它版本
  • If you want to use the beauty sdk with more complete functions, please contact QQ customer service: 2770722087 to obtain other versions


Communication and interaction (add customer service manager WeChat or join open source group)


点击链接加入群聊【美狐开源学习交流群】 Click the link to join the group chat [Meihu Open Source Learning Exchange Group]




1. 本插件需要申请的系统权限列表:

2. 本插件采集的数据、发送的服务器地址、以及数据用途说明:

3. 本插件是否包含广告,如包含需详细说明广告表达方式、展示频率:



使用中有什么不明白的地方,就向插件作者提问吧~ 我要提问